
(Blog is currently going through a second edit.)

by Ayako

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Solstice and the Full Moon - a time of pregnant transformation

My friend Sharron sent me a beautiful e-mail. I want to re-print it here but I'm still getting clearance from her and her friends. They wrote it together.

Sharron's e-mail was about the winter solstice and the full moon that took place on December 20th. It was the first lunar eclipse that took place on the same day as the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year) in 350+ years. She talked about the importance of Darkness: Without darkness, nothing can be born. All life first begins in darkness. Darkness is pregnant with possibilities.

They spoke about Kali, the hindu goddess of destruction. Without destruction, there are no new beginnings.

"From the comfort and safety of this blessed darkness, let us release the fear of the unknown and welcome the light. There are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it." E. Wharton

“To continue one’s journey in the darkness with one’s footsteps guided by the illumination of REMEMBERED RADIANCE, is to know courage of a peculiar kind, the courage to demand that light continue to be light even in the surrounding darkness” H. Thurman

Another friend of mine gave me, for Christmas, a DVD of "Eat Prey Love," originally a book written by Elizabeth Gilbert. In the movie, Richard from Texas talks about how transformation is difficult but necessary - that it's a GOOD thing.

I believe in the Goodness of Transformation. I believe that right now, things are "dark" because I'm letting go of all the things that weren't working for me, before I decided to simplify my life. I'm letting go of the food, lifestyle, and love that I thought would nourish my soul but didn't. It's hard - but I'm looking forward to the new me that is nourished completely by what the Universe provides me with, without over-consuming resources and without my strained interventions. It's a painful journey along the way - I'm making a lot of mistakes in applying the lessons that are being taught to me - the main lesson being that I should trust my instincts. I'm writing this blog to record the lessons so I'll remember them. I don't trust my instincts fully yet, so I make a lot of mistakes and it's not been a picnic around here - but I've seen the light in life and I remember happiness. So I know it's waiting for me somewhere on the other side of this.

I want to be the change that I want to see in the World. That's the only way I know how to exist, because that is my life purpose - to help others realize our Oneness in this Universe. These days, my life purpose has felt like a burden. I miss the days of living selfishly and unconsciously. I miss being stupid. But life has presented me with a challenge, and I don't know how to walk away from it without it being a challenge.


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