
(Blog is currently going through a second edit.)

by Ayako

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Simplicity of Happiness - My Life Purpose and Interim Goals

In order to simplify my life, I believe I need to prioritize my life. I want to throw out all the b.s. in my life and only keep the necessary or good bits. That means that I need to know myself. At times like this, I think about who I want to be. And then I think about my life purpose.

My Life Purpose

In my late twenties, I had the good fortune of being introduced to a man named Matt Garrigan. Matt is a beautiful person. He used to teach courses called the "Liberty Experience" in San Francisco. It was all about life lessons, in workshop format. I learned a lot from those workshops, like the importance of making choices. I learned from Matt that sometimes, it's just important to make a choice, so that you could move on with the rest of your life. Given all the factors that inform any decision you may need to make, if you're still hemming and hawing about the choice after some reasonable amount of deliberation, they're probably all good options. So if I make the best decision I can given the data that I am privy to at the time I am making the choice (after reasonable due diligence), that's the best anyone could have done. I don't blame myself later for not knowing everything. It's easy to kick yourself later because hindsight is 20/20. But life is full of blind spots and I make leaps of faith decisions all the time. And I make mistakes too, but all-in-all, I am happy with whatever path that I've chosen, to date. Knock on wood.

During another workshop, Matt helped me formulate a "purpose statement" for my life, when I was fumbling for the right words. After listening to me try to describe what I thought was my purpose to him for a minute or two, Matt said to me: "So your life purpose is to 'Help others see our oneness.'" And I said, "Yes. It is." And that's how it was decided. My life purpose. This blog and many other things I've done ever since, in my life, has been in support of this purpose. But it has taken me a long time to figure out what "oneness" even means.

In my gut, I know that all beings are all a continuum of one energy.
At the core, we are vibrating particles, which is the same as saying that we are, at the core, just energy.
I know this, but my left brain has trouble comprehending this.
It seems illogical that I am one with the furniture I sit on.
So more than anything during this lifetime, I am in pursuit of the knowledge to understand our oneness as a universe.
It is the pursuit of a logical explanation of how I am one with the universe.
Because I am in pursuit of this knowledge, I am constantly in search of ways of gaining new knowledge and insight.
I believe I learn most by being a witness.
For example, witnessing beauty teaches me life lessons.
To me, beauty connotes inspiration or brilliance.
I strongly believe that it is important for humans to have time to notice beauty, at least when we are in its presence.
So my life purpose leads me to the following interim conclusion:
This is my life, and I want to see beauty. Lots of it. All the time. So that I may be able to know more.


Given the above purpose, my life goals are, or have been, as follows:
  • I want to climb a high mountain, and experience both the harshness and beauty of nature (Check. I have climbed Mount Shasta, CA.)
  • I want to live in Berkeley, California. The people here are brilliant. They are open and loving. The S.F. bay area is beautiful, and the weather is awesome, and I believe that makes us open as human beings. (Check.)
  • I want to own a house in Berkeley, California. (Check.)
  • I want to own chickens. (Check.)
  • I want to own goats / pigs / sheep and milk them for cheese (Not yet.)
(The above three goals are about wanting to be self-sufficient.)
  • I want to love. (Check - my dogs and my boyfriend. And my family, in a more confused way.)
  • I want to be able to tell every single person I love, that I love them. (Getting there.)
  • I want to experience different kinds of love. (Getting there.)
  • I want to have an interesting career. (Check.)
  • I want to help find balance for other "beings (people / animals)" and earth. (Check.)
  • I want to have a sex life. (Check.)
  • I want to experience motherhood. (Not yet.)
  • I want to have time to myself. (Check. Are the last two mutually exclusive?)
  • I want to have time to relax. (Check.)
  • I want to get to know people over a long period of time. (Getting there.)
  • I want to live walking distance to public transit. (Check.)
  • I want to live with other people. (Check.)
  • I want to enjoy the people I live with. (Check.)
  • I  want to often be in the company of trusted friends. (Getting pretty close.)

Personal Conclusions (Every person is different):

At the core of it, I want to have time to spend in nature, where it's quiet, and where I can hear the leaves rustling and where I can look up and see the sky. There, I want to hear the wind whispering in my ears and the sun shining on me but not so strong, maybe like a lazy afternoon sun. There I am well fed and comfortable and I can nap if I want to, write if I want to, or I can get up, walk over to where friends are, and receive their love and then and in turn, give love. This, to me, is the picture of happiness.

How simple is the above to achieve?
And can I achieve this happiness without feeling like it is at the expense of something else? I want to know.

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